Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Inalienable Rights

There is no right of the government to regulate our inalienable rights and freedoms.

1. To act in self-defense (personal, family, innocents, nation).
2. To own and carry weapons for self-defense and for ensuring that the nation remains free.
3. To own and control private property (land, money, personal items, intellectual property, etc.)
4. To earn a living and keep the fruit of one’s labor.
5. To freely migrate within the country or to leave the country.
6. To worship -- or not worship -- God in the manner one chooses.
7. To associate with -- or disassociate from -- any person or group.
8. To express any idea through print, voice, banner, or other media.
9. To be secure in one’s home, papers, and person against unwarranted searches and seizures (privacy).
10. To be advised of the charges, in the event of arrest.
11. To have a judge determine if the accused should be held for trial or for punishment.
12. To be tried by a jury of one’s peers and face one’s accuser, in the event of being charged with a crime.
13. To be tried by a jury of one’s peers, in the event of a suit in which the disputed amount is substantive.
14. To suffer no cruel or unusual punishment.
15. To establish, monitor, control, and petition our servant government to help secure the above rights.
16. To abolish said government, when it becomes destructive of these rights.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Joke...RLTW!

A young Army Officer was in a terrible car accident, but due to the
heroics of the hospital staff, the only permanent injury was the loss of
one ear. Since he wasn't physically impaired he remained in the military
and eventually became a General. However, during his career he was
always sensitive about his appearance.

One day the General was interviewing three Command Sergeant Majors with different backgrounds for his personal staff.

The first Sergeant Major was a wrench puller at heart, and spent most of his career down in the motor pool.. It was a great interview. At the end of the interview the General asked him, "Do you notice anything different about me?"

The Sergeant Major answered, "Why yes sir. I couldn't help but notice you
are missing your left ear, so I don't know whether this impacts
your hearing on that side." The General got very angry at this lack of
tact and threw him out of his office.

The next candidate, spent most if his career down on the airfield, when asked this same question, answered, "Well yes sir, you seem to be short one ear." The
General threw him out also.

The third interview was with a Sergeant Major who was a decoratated combat vet and lifelong Ranger. He was articulate, extremely sharp, and seemed to know more than the two Sergeant Majors put together. The General wanted this guy, but went ahead with the same questions. " Do you notice anything different about me?"

To his surprise the Sergeant Major said, "Yes, sir. You wear contact

The General was impressed and thought to himself, what an incredibly
tactful Ranger. "And how do you know that?" the General asked.
The Sergeant Major replied, "Well sir, it's pretty hard to wear glasses
with only one fuckin' ear."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gun Control in Great Britain: A Warning To America

We are all familiar with the histories of governments depriving their people the Right to Bear Arms. They are stories of great suffering, going back hundreds of years. The outcome is always the same, where many innocent people have died while not being able to defend themselves against oppressive despots and their minions hellbent on controlling their subjects.

I look to our allies in Great Britain, who have been in the spotlight recently due to the pompous pouting of our smarmy friend Piers Morgan. He claims Great Britain is a model society with very little gun violence. The gun violence part is true, but all other forms of violent crimes are still being committed with other weapons, at a much higher rate than we live with here in the United States.

It's important to remember how Gun Control was slowly implemented in Great Britain. It did not happen all at once, making it easier for the general public to swallow it in little pieces.

It started at the turn of the 20th Century, with the Pistols Act of 1903. This "reasonable" legislation did not raise any alarm, as it made handguns sales prohibited to minors or felons. You were also required to obtain a license in order to purchase a pistol, and said pistols were registered with law enforcement. This database came in handy later.

The winds of change blew through Great Britain again after World War 1, prompting the Firearms Act of 1920. This expanded the mandatory licensing for not only pistols and handguns, but all firearms (excluding shotguns). This also made the requirements for obtaining the licenses more difficult to achieve for the average citizen. The database grew.

This held in place until laws passed in 1953 and again in 1967 banning private citizens from carrying any type of rifle or pistol, and mandated all shotguns be registered.

Twenty years later, in 1987, a mentally unstable man by the name of Michael Ryan of Hungerford went on a rampage. He walked down the street in his small town with an AK-47, pumping round after round into anything that moved. When the dust settled 17 people had lost their lives.

At this point, the 80 years of gun restrictions and demonizations of those who challenge the laws disarming the people by the MSM had them brainwashed into demanding even more stringent gun control. Generations of people had forgotten what it was to be a free and armed people, able to defend their homes and families from those who would do them harm.

The seizure of all privately owned firearms, rifles and pistols began. Most British subjects gave them up willingly, bringing their guns to the police, rather than waiting for the police to come knocking on their door with that huge database of registered guns the government had compiled since the enactment of the original laws in 1903.

In 1996, in Dunblane, Scotland, another mentally disturbed man named Thomas Hamilton opened fire in an elementary school, murdering 16 children and a teacher. Rather than seeing the evil in the man and his actions, the media looked at the instrument the killer played: a semiautomatic rifle.

Character assasinations of law abiding gun owners continued in the news. They were demonized as criminals, and portrayed as mentally unstable and/or unpatriotic. The media painted the picture of gun free utopias, in which there was no violence. The people bought it.

A couple months later, Parliament looked into what happened with the county's most recent tragedy.

Enter the Dunblane Inquiry, which concluded a total ban of the few sidearms, shotguns, and rifles you were still able to legally own was needed. Britain's citizens were now unable to defend themselves legally with firearms. You had 3 months to turn them in, or risk being visited by the authorities. When the authorities came with their lists, threateneing 10 year prison sentences to all those who did not comply, few objected. Law Enforcement agencies were quoted bragging about the 200,000+ firearms they confiscated from law abiding citizens.

The media again shaped the public view of those who decried the ban as vigilantes, claiming that to take the law into your own hands was not your job. The governement claimed 'self defense was no longer a valid reason to own a firearm"

People who defended themselves with firearms from criminals after the ban was put into effect were charged. The rapist, burglar or thug that perpetrated the crime more often than not went free.

A perfect example of this is the story of a Tony Martin, who lived in Emneth, Norfolk, England. His neighborhood was plagued with crime after the full ban took effect. Criminals were emboldened with the ban, realizing there would be little to no risk of real bodily harm to start robbing and burglarizing all over Great Britain.

Lawless behaviors were documented up and down his block. Elderly neighbors were beaten and robbed, businesses and houses were vandalized. Some homes were hit more than once by burglars. Mr Martin's own house had been robbed of some of his prized antiques, which he loved dearly.

On the night of August 22, 1999, he was awakened by the sound of intruders breaching his door with a crowbar. He grabbed an old shotgun, leveled it on one of two career criminals rummaging through his things, and pulled the trigger. One burglar died, the other escaped wounded, but alive.

Long story short, his unregistered shotgun got him in a lot of trouble. He was arrested and charged with 1st Degree Murder and Unlawful Posession of a Firearm. The gun ban hungry media played to the 'poor defenseless victims'. Tony was portayed as crazy gun zealot, a vigilante who was out for revenge. The burglars were portrayed as good people, down on their luck. Anyone the press interviewed that knew the criminals could find no faults in them. In the brainwashed court of public opinion, Tony was guilty before he even set foot in the courtroom.

He is currently serving a life sentence.

Do you see the parallels?

Controversial Gun Control measures are being pushed on us here in America today. In the the wake of the tragedy perpetrated by a madman in Connecticut, our media has been whipped into a gun grabbing frenzy. They froth at the mouth, creating misnomers for gun types and focus solely on the weapons used in the crime. They ignore the mental issues the killer had, what medications he was on, or how the ACLU destroyed inpatient programs that could have helped him (or at least harbored him in a controlled environment).

Some people just want to watch the world burn, and will stop at nothing to light the match. This kind of evil cannot be contained by any law. Taking away our 2nd Amendment does not mitigate the damages incurred from those with evil intentions or tyrannical governments. It only places more innocent people in harm's way.

We need to learn from Great Britain's example:

If a government legislates enough laws, we can all be criminals.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vets & Adverse Reactions to the Anthrax Vaccine

I remember the day I got my Anthrax Vaccine like it was yesterday.
We had all been bussed to the airfield efficiently and without incident. It was still dark, no less than 0330. We could hear huge C5's turbines warming up on the runway as we stumbled with our bags from the busses to the terminal. It was a bitter cold, the kind of cold that freezes your breath to your eyebrows.

I had arrived on post 2 days prior. I had just completed AIT (Advanced Infantry training) Airborne School and RIP (Ranger Indoc. Program). My Squad Leader gave the whirlwind tour of my new Duty Station: CIF (Central Issuing Facility), the range, PT, platoon meetings, packing list inspections, and lots of love piled on the new guy. I hadn't slept since I arrived on post. My civilian bags remained unpacked in my barracks room, and would remain in place for months to come.

You could imagine the sheer excitement and terror I felt. It was 2001, and we all were itching for payback.

After our feel-good-stranger-danger briefing in the terminal was complete, it was vaccine time. The men who had young children (some vaccines were too risky to have with small kids around) and the new guys were told to line up by a row of nurses ready to administer the shots. The rest of the unit had gotten vaccinated a week prior. We moved through, each getting needlefuls of whatever. I was too tired to care, to be honest.

Little did I know, some of us were injured before we even got to Afghanistan.

A few of my brothers from my unit were effected immediately, with nerve damage in the injection site. "Numbness is a side effect" said a nurse. We rolled on, focused on the mission at hand.. getting on the bird to saw some logs under our woobies.
Although all of us got the Anthrax Vaccine, only some of us have had bad reactions, or it at the very least made our immune system too weak to fight the bombardment of carcinogens from open burn pits and contaminated FOB sites.

Fast forward about 2 years.. I'm getting a physical for our next deployment and find out I have a "mild form of Chemically Induced Hepatitis". They asked how much I drank,(an enlisted man in the barracks imbibes many beers) and pushed it off on that. They told me a booze free tour should clear my problem right up. Again, I thought nothing of it due to my desire to deploy with my brothers. I did not want be left behind to suffer the life of the rear deployed infantryman.

By that point in time there were already whispers of the vaccine and/or the carcingen coctail we were subjected to was getting people ill. After that first deployment, some friends ETSd only to begin a new fight battling different medical abnormalities, ranging from heart disease like symptoms, swollen genatalia, low sperm counts and cancer.

In 2012 I was diagnosed with Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Melanoma. After a second opinion and 3 surgeries later, I am in remission. I fear I am one of the few lucky ones.

After speaking with a couple smart people on Twitter, I realized this issue far more widespread than I previously thought. I am sharing my story in the hopes that others will come forward. Do you know an OIF or OEF veteran suffering from unusual illnesses or patterns of symptoms that cannot be found in medical textbooks? Please feel free to share! There is very little being reported my the MSM, FDA or Military (surprise surprise)

We need to find out whats going on here. KBR is trying to have a case thrown out in this regard, brought to court by suffering veterans and former employees.. Information pertaining to this issue stopped being released back in 2001.

This is my generation's asbestos, our Agent Orange, our Gulf War Syndrome.
I look to the future, when the VA may or may not be funded enough to help the people that have not been treated yet. Lets put a name to this now. We deserve better.
If you are a Veteran, please get yourself checked! It's better to be safe than sorry, no?

God Bless, and Thanks for reading.

Rangers Lead the Way!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A petition for the 2nd Amendment

As you may know, Congress and the President are moving to some radical forms of gun control. The recent tragedy in CT is being used to create a bully pulpit and is gaining steam because fear is the great motivator.
Our Constituion was drafted in an effort to protect us from something that will never change: Human Nature. That being said, it will never be obsolete. Those who say that it is obsolete have been frustrated with its air tight reasoning for all matters political, and wish to change it to further un- American legislature.
The Second Amendment was left to us by the Framers as an emergency reset button in the event that the Government became tyrranical. It was not intended for hunting, but rather to keep the citizens armed with equal weapons to that of the Military.
Since we can't all have Nukes, Tanks & Apaches, self loading, magazine fed semi automatic rifles are our only equalizer at this point.
Gun control has a well documented history. It seems most Americans have forgotten the horrors committed after gun control was instuted by Hitler, Stalin & Mao. Millions of so called "dissidents" were rounded up and killed for nothing more than speaking their minds or less.
I refuse to stand down to to those that would Rule by Law, rather than to facilitate the will of the People. Millions of Veterans like me, who swore to "Uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic', are on board. We intend to keep our oath.
The link below is a one of many petitions started by a concerned Patriot. This link allows you to sign a petition that will be seen by Congress and send emails to the President and your local Lawmakers.
America, the country I fought for, the country we love and live in, is in grave danger of being fundamentally changed for the worse. We owe it to our kids and grandkids to preserve our liberties we have become so accustomed to. We must not forget what is at stake!
The time is now. This is the despotic government the Founders foresaw.